Tel, 23.029 ; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia JUN 2 0 1963 June 17, 1963 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 Prof. J. Lederberg Stanford University PAVIA Medical Center Department of Genetics Palo Alto, Calif. Dear Josh, I have made the decision to return to Stanford this summer. I did not have Norman Kretchmer's permission to spend another year here, after all. We will leave Milan July 15, visit Jane and Bruce Stocker in London, and reach Palo Alto in mid-August. I do want to thank you for your offer of support for another year in Pavia. I wish that it would have been possible for me to take advantage of it. This year with Luca has been quite stimulating and exciting, and I hope to continue my learning and working in statistics. Please give our best to Esther. We will see you in August. Sincerely yours Howard Howard M. Cann, M.D.