Tel. 23.029 ; 29.038 ~ Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia MAY 6 1963 April 30, 1963 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Prof. Joshua Lederberg VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 Stanford University PAVIA Medical Center Department of Genetics Palo Alto, Calif. Dear Josh, luca has just shown me your letter of April 22 and has asked me to write you concerning its first two paragraphs. It is difficult for Luca to answer your letter promptly because today he gives his inaugural professdérial lecture at Pavia (an important and somewhat formal event here) and for the next few days he will be out of office. Let me say at once that I am happy with your reaction concerning the possibility of my working here for another year. Norm Kretchmer is willing to hold open my job, and if I notify him appropriately he will contact N.I.H. to postpone my Career Development Award (due to start July 1) for one year. The problem now is to obtain support for my activities starting July 1. Norm has stated that he does not feel it correct to request that the first year of my Career Development Award (which was awarded to me for work at Stanford) be spent in Pavia. The Ndional Science Founda- tion will not extend my present fellowship because of limi- tation of funds. If I apply to N.S.F., N.I.H., the National Foundation or any other of the usual sources of fellowship funds, I must wait until late autumn or winter for the award, leaving me financially uncovered for at least 5-6 months. Thus your letter is especially welcomed by Iuca: and me. We have put together a grant application to N.A.T.0O., Biology Division, which will be considered on May 28. If the grant is approved, we will be notified, hopefully, in early June, thus giving Norm time to make the necessary arrangements for postponing my Career Development Award. Iuca agrees with your suggestion concerning the N.I.H. grant to cover natality and other project expen- ses (I also agree). He would like to apply both to N.A.T.0. and to N.I.H. if you are in agreement. I believe he has already sent you a copy of the N.A.T.O. application. There is some but not complete overlap of the projects to be sup- ported by both grants. He feels there is good reason am sufficient justification for both grants to support joint activities between Stanford and Pavia. We note that the deadline for the N.I.H. application is June 1. Do you have some idea as to the date that the awards will he announced? I feel that I can wait no longer than early June for infor-~- ming Norm of my plans for next year. It is my impression that N.I.H. will not notify you so soon after the June 1 deadline. I believe that I have conveyed Luca's thoughts as well as those of mine pertinent to the situation. Please give my very best regards to Esther. Sincerely yours [loward Howard M. Cann, M.D.