CASS CANFIELD 49 EAST 33> STREET NEW YORK !6,N.Y. MURRAY HILL 3-i1900 August 22, 1963 Dear Friend: In an action which received considerably less press attention than it deserves, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last month voted to adopt Senator Fulbright's amendment to the pending foreign aid bill to authorize funds for research and technical assistance to other nations on population control. This amendment embodies a goal for which many of us who are con- cerned with the frightening rate of world population growth have long been working. Its enactment this year would be, as the Christian Science Monitor states (enclosed), "an important step" toward enabling the U.S. to give practical help to other countries in their programs to bring explosive population growth under control. I believe we must assume that opponents of this amendment will do their utmost to defeat it at each stage of the legislative process. Accordingly, I am asking a number of responsible leaders throughout the country to write at once to let their two Senators and their Congressman know their views on this important matter. a 721 1 WV Regardless of the outcome of the amendment in this year's Congress, those of us who are working toward action on the population crisis will continue to press for greater efforts to deal with this problem which has come to be regarded as one of the two most urgent problems facing mankind. The fact that your personal views are made known to your representatives in Congress will be of great importance in this continuing campaign. If convenient, I would much appreciate a copy of your letter and of any reply you may receive. Sincerely, oT, ee 38s Ceneeekd ——__ P.S. For your information, I enclose some oer the wenn of the recent report of the National Academy of Sciences which presents, graphically and authoritatively, the urgent assessment this distinguished body has made of the population problem as well as their recommendations for in- creased governmental action both in research and technical assistance.