THE POPULATION CRISIS Vb. PEAC “Increasing evidence from around the world A | \ | D and should intensify research for improved adds emphasis to the grim warning issued methods of regulating fertility — methods last year by Mr. Eugene Black, in his capacity as President of the World Bank: ‘Population growth threatens to nullify all our efforts to raise living stand- ards in many of the poorer countries. ... Unless popu- lation growth can be restrained, we may have to abandon for this generation our hopes of eco- nomic progress in the crowded lands of Asia and the Middle East.’ “Clearly, the urgent, indisputable need today is for intensified action to decelerate world population growth. Population trends must become a central consideration in all national and international plans for health, economic development and world peace. “Therefore, as Americans, we most strongly urge the United States Government to adopt forthright pol- icies which will permit the resources and skills of our nation to be concentrated on the population prob- lem. Our government should assist other nations which request help on voluntary population control, PROGRESS from the Declaration by American Nobel Laureates and Business Leaders acceptable to peoples of diverse cultures, creeds and ways of life. And we strongly urge that the United Nations take thelead in world-wide programs to cope with overpopulation. “In recent decades, the partnership of industry and science has contributed immeasurably to many fields of human activity; it is time that this partnership address itself squarely to the population dilemma. We therefore urge formation of a strong union be- tween leaders in the sciences and humanities and leaders of commerce and industry, to the end that action may be stimulated on a level commensurate with the magnitude of the problem. “The actions we suggest require that the timidities and conflicts of the past be cast aside. We appeal to all men to have faith that existing differences can be re- solved, so that rapid progress can be made in checking excessive population growth, and so that children everywhere may grow up in a world that offers the prospect of peace and progress.” NOBEL LAUREATES JOHN BARDEEN FELIX BLOCH EDWARD A. DOISY JOSEPH ERLANGER WILLIAM F, GIAUQUE DONALD A. GLASER EDWARD C. KENDALL POLYKARP KUSCH JOSHUA LEDERBERG HERMANN J. MULLER JOHN H. NORTHROP EDWARD M. PURCELL DICKINSON RICHARDS WILLIAM SHOCKLEY WENDELL M. STANLEY HAROLD C. UREY SELMAN A. WAKSMAN THOMAS H. WELLER G. H. WHIPPLE BUSINESS ENDORSERS FRANK W. ABRAMS RUSSELL H. BENNETT HARRY A. BULLIS HENRY B. CABOT CASS CANFIELD WILL CLAYTON RANDOLPH P. COMPTON JOHN COWLES, SR. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, JR. MARRINER 5S. ECCLES LELAND HAZARD F. PEAVEY HEFFELFINGER THOMAS McCABE LAMMOT duP, COPELAND HANS W. HUBER WALTER JOHNSON THOMAS S. LAMONT DAVID E, LILIENTHAL CHARLES H. PERCY ELMO ROPER DONALD ROYCE SIDNEY A, SWENSRUD WILLIAM H. VANDERBILT FOWLER McCORMICK PHILIP R. MATHER HUGH MOORE JOHN NUVEEN The Declaration was presented in behalf of all the signers by Pro- fessor Kendall and Dr. Shockley to the Conference on the Economic Consequences of the Population Explosion, sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America—World Population Emergency Campaign. Write (no charge) for the complete text of the Declara- tion and any of these new pamphlets: American Population and Prosperity by ADOLPH W. SCHMIDT with a foreword by LAMMOT duP. COPELAND Inside the Population Problem by JOHN GUNTHER Population, the U.N. and the U.S. by FRANCIS T. P. PLIMPTON Population and Human Progress by CHRISTIAN A. HERTER PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF AMERICA—WORLD POPULATION EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN 501 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N.Y.