CABLE; PARENTHOOD. NEW YORK Planned SFarenthood Federation of America, Ine. Honorary Chatunan MRS. MARGARET SANGER Chaciman DONALD B. STRAUS lice-Chaciunen LAMMOT duP. COPELAND WILLIAM H. DRAPER, JR. MRS. ROBERT M. FERGUSON MRS. PHILIP W. PILLSBURY JOHN A. BEHNKE EUGENE R. BLACK Cc. LALOR BURDICK, Sc.D. LAMMOT duP. COPELAND RUFUS S. DAY, JR. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, JR. MRS. ROBERT M. FERGUSON MRS. GEORGE E. GILLESPIE, JR. FRANCIS A. GOODHUE, JR. ALAN F. GUTTMACHER, M.D. CARL HARTMAN, Ph.D. R. GRAHAM HEINER HERBERT HERZ RICHARD S, KYLE GEORGE N. LINDSAY, JR. MRS. STOWE C. PHELPS MRS. PHILIP W. PILLSBURY MRS. FREDERICK ROMBERG MRS. JULIUS LONG STERN DONALD B. STRAUS MRS. LEWIS H. STRAUSS World Population Emergency Campaign 501 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, NEW YORK—AREA 212, PLAZA 5-8600 March 22, 1963 PERSONAL Professor Joshua Lederberg fanford University Department of Genetics Palo Alto, California Dear Professor Lederberg: Enclosed is a proof of the Declaration you signed last October, in the form in which it will appear shortly in several national magazines -- including Scientific American, Harper's, Christian Century, and the Saturday Review. Thanks again for your partnership in this project, the impact of which is being increasingly felt. Winfield Best, Director Information & Education WB: je Enclosure i MAR 2 7 1963 ( : \ President ALAN F. GUTTMACHER, M.D. T7Al4/(Wwo