Wi TKI CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. January 26, 1951 Professor Joshua Lederherg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, wisconsin Dear Joshua, Thanks a lot for your MGB contributions, and for the bibliography. I will return the latter as soon as it is transcribed. You are welcome to use my Symposium paper fot the reprint compilation if you wish. As far as Dr. Demerec is concerned, he asked me to tell you that you have blanket permission to reprint anything in the Symposium volumes. This project is certainly worthwhile, and I'm very glad that it seems to be under way. pene —kQu asked for comments about Miriam Schwartz and Glise Cahn) -- here goes. Miss Schwartz id my research assistant at present, and is functioning satisfactorily in this capacity. She is reasonably bright, follows directions faithfully, has a genuine interest in the work, and real eagerness to learr. She has not done too wall in tasks calling for independent planning, and has not yet acquired a feeling for experimental design, although she has been improving in this respect. She is a pleasant girl, perhaps somewhat immature, but very Sincere and trustworthy. JI think she could make a fair record as a graduate student, but not a brilliaht one. does not work directly with me, and TI at re in a position to evaluate her work in detail. She seems to me to be a very perceptive young women of superior intelligence, with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. She has a gx#akxdeakx an excellent understanding of many problems in microbial genetics, and good critical judgment. I think she has the potentialities of a first-rate researcher. As far as I can see, she gets along quite well with the group here, although at times she has a rather brash, aggressive manner thet might be irritating to some people. There have been no serious problems on that score, however, that I know of. If there is anything more I can tell vou, I would be glad to oblige. Dr, Demerec told me you accepted the Symposium invitation, and I am certainly looking forward to seeing you and Esther in June -- it hes been a long time. In the meantime, my warmest regards. Sincerely, Enel