Elise Cahn Carnegie Inst. Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, N.Y. Dec.1, 1950 Dear Dr.Lederberg, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if my apvltication for an assistantship from last year is still good for the Fall of '51 or if it will be necessary for me to apply again. If possible, I would like to make one change, i.e. on second thought, I would prefer a research assistantship to a teaching one. If necessary, I will take the latter though. T am elso writing to the graduate school for regular application blanks as I have never applied to the school itself for admission. There is one more favor I would like to ask of you. I would greatly appreciate any available reprints, especially those releting to any linkage data. I believe Bernie Davis told you that I am now at Carnegie working for Dr.Demerec. Dr.Demerec is not working with K-12, but I am doing some work of my own in my spare time and hence the request for reprints. Sincerely yours, £42 Cather,