108-26 45th Ave. Forest Hills New York, N.Y. 1/18/50 Dear Dr.Lederberg, Thank you very much for your Kind letter, I would indeed like to be considered for the assistantship; however, there are a few points on which I should like to have some further clarification. You write, "....under the elreumstances your qualifications as a candidate for further research support after the first vear will be serutinized on the same basis as those of other entering students, rather than with those students for whom facilities have been tentatively reserved following their ac:eptance under regular procedure." Does ‘research support! refer to the assistantship or to money needed for the research prover? Also, does this mean that I would not, during my first vear, be a regularly accepted student, end if so, why? I, understand that, while it is too late to apply for assistarships through the regular channels, it is not too late to apply for regular admission. You wrote in a previous note, not to fill out the application form +4111 had heard a favorable reply to my assistantship application, so for the time being, I am not sending the forms in yet. I have written to Dr.Sonneborn and Dr.Borrey, however. As to working on Neurospora problems, I have no experience in handling that particular organism, which is one reason I would welcome the opportunity of working with Neurospora for a while. However, I do hope that I will be able to do the bulk of my thesis work on E.Coli. You mentioned that there might be a vossibility of a stipend for research for this summer. While I appreciate the offer, I do not think that I will be able to accept it. As you probably know, Dr.Davis is going to California around the middle of July and I do not want to dnconvinience him by leaving the lab before then. Enclosed, please find the vhotogravh you requested. It is a bit informal, but the only thine I could dig up on short notice. If a more formal picture is recuired, I can of course have one taken and send it along later, Thanking you again, I remain, Sincerely yours, Flise Cahn