JOSEPH D. GOOPER JUN 2 9 196 2310 BLAINE DRIVE 4 GHEVY CHASE 15. MARYLAND AREA CODE 301-587-6031 June 26, 196) Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you very much for sending me a reprint of your paper, "A Crisis in Evolution." The message is an impressive one. As a social scientist, I am pleased to see a biological scientist sounding an alarm to his colleagues--advising them that they must ready them- selves for a day when their judgments will go into the making of social decisions for man. One of the things that disturbs me--which I intend covering in the final chapter of my forthcoming book-- is that too many scientists, influenced by the dictates i of grantsmanship, have learned to confuse ends and means. a, If this is actually so, I fear that they may thereby a detract fran their ow effectiveness. = If you should publish any additional papers bearing A on the theme of "A Crisis in Evolution," I would be ph pleased to see them. Hopefully, however, I must finish my book by the end of July. If you should be interested in seeing the final chapter, in which I take up a number of emerging problems growing out of the current bio- medical revolution, I would be glad to send it to you. Sincerely, preg h OC ‘ pe Professor Joshua Lederberg, Director Kennedy Laboratories for Molecular Medicine Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California JDC:mpb