bore porto mers sok Sunk JOSEPH D. GOOPER 2B10 BLAINE DRIVE GHEVY CHASE 15, MARYLAND AREA CODE 301-587-6031 January 13, 1964 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for sending me the digest of your paper at the CIBA Foundation Symposium, in response to my recent letter to you. I have obtained the full pro- ceedings of that Symposium, and enjoyed very much read- ing your full paper as well as your various discussion remarks. My purpose in writing to you, originally, was to ascertain the nature of any recommendations you may C\ have made to the government regarding specific action o that should be taken to plan for the consequences of progress in genetics or germinal choice, and related developments. My interest relates to one aspect of a CN study of the mechanisms for policy development in the os light of the problems being created for us, both as a & consequence of population growth and the advances of oo science. —T <— I was told that you had submitted a memorandum - or letter to the government in this area, and hence I C was anxious to learn more about it. Are there, perhaps, any other recorded thoughts of yours pertinent to this problem area, which you might consider appropriate to send to me, without involving you in any substantial effort? Your assistance in this regard will be very much appreciated. 0 Sincerely, “ Adjunct Profassor Government and Public Administration JDC :mpb The American University Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California