4+ 1 C- gl: Dept. of Bacteriology & Immunology, (Ce 3775 University Street. McGILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL January 24, 1958. Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.4, Dear Dr. Lederberg, In a paper entitled Genetic exchange in Salmonella submitted by you and Dr. Norton D. Zinder to the Journal of Bacteriology for publication on April 18, 1952, you describe "a U tube with an ultra-fine sintered pyrex filter partition.. «+ prepared according to Davis's (1950b) design." I referred to Davists 1950 paper, Ne describes "a U tube 25 mm. in dia- meter partitioned by an tultra-fine't fritted disc (Corning)." The latest *Corning' catalogue does not describe such a piece of apparatus,so I presume you had these tubes custom made; or, less probably, Corning has discontinued this line. I am extremely interested in using such a U tube in work on metabolism of certain pathogenic fungi. Would it be possible for you to send me a description of how you obtained these tubes and at what cost. I would be most grateful. Yours very truly, Leith, Comerkore Edith Common, Research Assistant, Mycology Division. Couns etl. he full dh Veualh, demet Goch When 24 arog flee. Hnartartr,, My. Mawnan Carney Or enor , Wisconsin , wl parte be gtod To acerpt pyr ridin, Ye wan mens ComyalN Gh colburer. 92