UNIVERSITY COLLEGELONDON -GOWER STREET WCI DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Professor P. B. MEDAWAR Telephone RUSTON 7050 July 4th 1957 Dear Dr. Lederberg, For several weeks I have had on my desk the reprint you so kindly sent me, and I dare not begin to apologize for not having written the comments on it which you invited. Even now I am only writing, I am afraid, to acknowledge its receipt, for I have yet to digest all its implications. But I can see that it could be very relevant to the question of cell 1 neages in ageing, and to the process, which may occur more often than histologists seem to admit, whereby cell division results in one senescent and one non-senescent daughter. Most of all I would like the opportunity of talking to you about it. Do you ever attend any congresses in this country ? If you do, and could spare me a lunch-time, I very much hope you will visit me. Yours. sincerely, arn Onfpr