PEF OEGUDTOVTVOVTTTvovTovovewvowowowowvowowwy OFFICE MEMORANDUM ° STANFORD UNIVERSITY DaTE: Oct, a, 1960 To Dr. Joshua Lederberg From Dr. roy(conn ) SuBJECT: Discussion of some problems in homotransplantation Dear Josh: The Pacific Coast Surgical Association has accepted my brief paper on a case of successful autotransp!antation of the kidney in 47 year old identical twins. There are a few points about the carpentry of Interest to surgeons which i will discuss taking not more than ten minutes. | would appreciate it {f you could discuss some of the biological problems which have to be solved before successful homotranplantat ion can take place. The meeting is in San Francisco , Feb.19-22, 1961. | do not know the exact date and time for the paper. The program committee would only allow ten minutes. If you feel that it isn't worth your time, | should thoroughly under- stand but | must submit a name for the discussant before November |. Sincerely, ro eo ly, A, Ml, i, ly, i, li, ly, le, le, i, ln, i, li, line, li, ln, Yl. li, ll, sl, ls, ly, li, i, li, i, Ml, le, i, i ln,