INDIANA UNIVERSITY MAy BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University California Dear Josh: At its meeting on April 17th, the suggestion was made to the Council of the American Philosophical Society that the Society present, in the spring of 1965, a program to recorpnize the centenary of Gregor Mendel's epoch-making paper in 1865. This suggestion was received with enthusiasm, and the President of the Society, Dr. Moe, has asked Paul Mangelsdorf and me to study the possibilities of such a program and to come up with a proposal to be presented to the Council at its next meeting in November, We have in turn decided to canvass those geneti- cists who are members of the Society to (1) determine whether the proposal meets with their general approval; (2) obtain suggestions regarding subjects that might be discussed; (3) secure names of speakers in this and other countries who might be asked to participate, If a sufficiently large galaxy is proposed, there is a possibility that as much as two half-day sessions plus The Penrose Lecture rel ght be devoted to the program, I am writing to the geneticists in the mid-west and west, Paul is writing to those in the east, In view of the general character of Philosophical Society audiences, both Paul and I feel that the function of this particular symposium should be to cre- ate for the intelligent lay scholar an account of the growth and present state of genetics, rather than to present new and previously unpublished data, You may wish to argue this point. I would be glad if you would give me (1) your opinion as to the desirability of the Philosophical Society recognizing the Mendel Centenary with a program; (2) your suggestions regarding the nature of the programs (3) your ideas about papers that might be presented and speakers that might be invited to participate, On the basis of the suggestions received we will endeavor to formulate a propo- sal for presentation to the Council. If you know of any other programs now being planned to celebrate the Mendel Centenary, we would appreciate having information about them, With best wishes, Sincerely yours, zy Ralph if Cleland Professor REC seg