STATE OF MICHIGAN GEORGE ROMNEY Governor | LAFAYETTE CLINIC 951 E, LAFAYETTE DETROIT 7, MICHIGAN June 17, 1965 Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: I appreciated your letter very much and am enclosing the five reprints which you requested. No, I do not minimize the importance of genetic components. I hope that sorting out and accounting for some of the en- vironmental factors will prove of value in clarifying the action of genetic effects. We have proceeded with the twin study and now with additional cases have been analyzing the sub-tests with the Wechsler IQ. We have also been collecting encephalographic data on the twin sets along with EEG of siblings of the twins or their parents. Part of the work is being done with the Cat. We have been finding a difference between the breech-born and vertex-born twin, another non-genetic factor which at the moment, however, remains somewhat unclear. I will be happy to send you copies of the papers when they are prepared. Very truly yours, 7) An theaet cl / John A. Churchill, M.D. ° Chief, Child Neurology JAC/gk Enc. Mico 4 4 > WATER’ | » WONDERLAND |Z FTTPDAAHD