wO SEAWOOD WEST COAST ROAD R.R. 2, VICTORIA, B.C. Canada 21st December ,1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Medical Center, Palo Alto, California. [°4YstyD Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is the carbon copy of the text I sent LS Ciba last Augustfnd also of the summary they asked for. As these are the only copies I have I should be grateful if you would be so kind as to return them to me when you have finished with them. I do hot have any copy of the talk I gave in the meeting as 1t was done without a text or notes. It was largely elaboration of some of the aspects of the text provided. I am honoured that you found the material interest- ing. I had the impression that some of the particip- ants felt that it was hardly to be classified under the heading of "biology", but the removal of that word from the title of the conference, I felt, also removed the objection. It certainly has much to ao with the future of man, Again, many thanks for your interest and I hope you will find the text worth reading. Sincerely yours, PrecllLdQ Brock Chisholm uft.3 Ke Leancd KAP, eth C16 biccl GA Me AIO bi TL.