26 July, 1963 Sr. Ruggero Ceppel lini Istituto Di Genetica Medica Dell Universi t@ Of Torino Via Cherasco, 15 Italy Dear Or. Ceppellini: Josh has asked me to answer your letter of [2 June to him. Tnere certainly is a great deal of common interests between your lab and our own and if it were at all possible | would like very such to have one of your people work with me. Un- fortunately we are still awaiting our new and enlarged quarters and cannot reasonably hope to move until Fal! 1965. We ere considerably overcrowded now and could not tn all justice take on any one else until at least 1966. We all hope you will be able to visit here this winter, i remember with great pleasure talking with you at Gatlinburg. With best regards. Sincerely, Leonard A. Herzenberd