ISTITUTO DI GENETICA MEDICA O JUN 1 7 1969 DELL’ UNIVERSITA DI TORINO VIA CHERASCO, 15 - TEL. 69 02 15 June 12, 1963 Prof. J.Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California U.S.A. Dear Josh, I have been much honoured by the kind invitation by Dr. Bodmer. Unfortunately I am not able to take a long leave of absence before Summer 1964. I could however come for 3-4 weeks around X-mas. At the end of the year I shall receive from the University a very lab building (1500 square meters of laboratory space). Then the main problem weéfd be to have enough good people to put in. In this respect I would like to know from you if in the next years (1964-65) you could receive for training a young and promizing collaborator of mine. Our present lines of work are 1) immunogenetics: antigens of white cells and human tissues in colture - possible relationship with transplantation antigens - synthesis of gammaglobulin in vitro from human and rabbit lymphocytes - 2) biochemical genetics of human cells in vitro (in collaboration with Luca and De Carli) - 3) medical genetics - at the moment we are looking into rela- tively common psychiatric diseases. I know that some of your collaborators are working on Immunogenetics along lines related to ours. I would greatly appreciate to receive reprints. We shall reciprocate: however up to now we don't have published anything of special interest. Our major achievement has been to produce in volunteers a number of specific anti-leukocyte antibodies. With best regards, 77s Prctnel RC:amp: 251 fe Ruggerd Ce llini