(VY Caste Appress: NARECO Wasuincton, D. C. TELEPHONE: EXECUTIVE 3-8100 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 12 July 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: In pr CCannan'> absence I wish to acknowledge your letter of 9 July, which will be brought to his attention on his return early next month, With respect to your last question, I understand that the Japanese geneticists were consulted extensively concerning the for- mulation of the Child Health Study. Also, collaboration has now developed to the extent that no major studies are undertaken until there has been full consultation with the Japan Advisory Council for ABCC and formal bilingual agreements have been executed, This will obviously apply to the F2 study now under consideration. Sincerely yours, Woda ‘ Wocdy, XQ Herbert N. Gardner Executive Secretary, ABCC HNG/eb “ayy Y)