A. BUSSARD Sustitut Pasteur Paris, le 20 avril 1980 25, RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX (XV* Arrond} Téléphone : SEGUR 01-10 oA { | ain bussaki br. J. Lederberg Stanford University riedical Center Palo alto, California. Dear J@sh, I have been invited to attend your next "antibody workshep" in Cold Spring Harbour in the beginning of June. It is a nice opportunity for ine to visit my friends anda colleagues in the U.S. We have decided to come, Suzan and myself and to stay in the States during the month of June. I would like very much to visit both of you, ana your Department in California. Do you think it could be possible for you to invite me to give some sort of lecture at your group and to allow me some kind of travel expenses ; this would be of great help. In any cases we are looking forward eagerly to ineeting you and to see your country which aust have changea a lot Since we were there. hh __ Yours as der. nn