THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE O OF MEDICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL DIRECTOR; SIR MACFARLANE BURNET. OM, F.R.S. Please note that Sir Macfarlane Burnet retires from the Directorship of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research on 31st August, 1965. His address after that date will be— K c/- Department of Microbiology, .\ University of Melbourne, K 0 yy Parkville, N.2, yy ww VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. Home address: Cl cavya —= 13 Edward Street, KEW, E.4, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA He hopes to continue active work on autoimmunity and theoretical immunology, and would appreciate receiving reprints of papers relevant to these fields. ADDRESS: c/o THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL POST OFFICE TELEPHONE. 24 9177 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA