YY THE WALTER & ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE . THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL Director: - SIR MACFARLANE BURNET, O.M., F.R.S. 16th February, 1959 Dear Joshua, ~ Many thanks for your note. After discussing - the matter with Gus, I have written to Morison at the Rockefeller Foundation asking whether the Foundation would sponsor the travel side of the Nossals' trip. including a month or two in Europe on the way back to Australia in 1960-61. The general tone of the letter was that Nossal was going to be a key figure in the Institute's immunological work after his return and that we wanted him to get experience and insight from American work and European contacts - without any more financial worry than is inevitable. Iam still deep in the revision of Principles of Animal Virology for a new edition and have nothing on the | immunological side to report, Kindest regards, Yours sincerely, F, M. Burnet