Par avion,. INSTITUT SEROLOGIQUE DE L’ETAT Service de Standardisation Biologique Dans toute communication portant sur ce sujet prigre de rappeler le Adresse télégraphique: STATSSERUM, Copenhague. Téléphone: Central 2835. Ref. cece he Biles ecee Air- Mail. THE STATE SERUM INSTITUTE Department of Biological Standards {n any further communication on this subject please quote. Copenhagen S.,........... NO Vea Gentes 19.45 (Denmark) Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Departuent of cenetics, University of wisconsin, MaADIS GN, Wisc. UsSehe Dear Dr. Lederberg, ky friend Prof. Mogens westergeard {he is a geneticist and did some work with Nitchel at Cal. Tech. as you may recall) and myself recently discussed some of the details in your recombination technique. We thereby got interested in trying out some modifications which -— with luck - might increase the yield of recombinants. %e should therefore be very glad if you could provide us with some of the mutant strains with which you have worked yourself; among the mutants on tne list in your paper (Genetics 32, Be 505, 1947) I have thought oi the following as suited for our experiments: kK 12 (wild type) B- 58 TT 679 Bk 58-161 TL 679-680 TL By 410 BN Vir 440 TL By Vir 441 ; I guess you still keep these strains and I should be very glad if you would send them to me whenever it is convenicrt for you. with kindest regards to yourself and your collegues at the department. Sincerely Yours, urate, CO. Maalae.