25 October XI, 1958 Dear Macs Now that we have two or three parallel schemes afoot for Gus's visit next year there can be little doubt that one of them will work out to mutual satisfaction, and I am looking forward to the as event, = ete I had another thought of an arrangement that would greatly help Gus and myself in making the most efficient use of his time -—~ that would be to ask Lois Larkin to came over to work as his assistant for the year, I do recall that Lois had voiced an enthusiastic hope of making a trip to the U.S. some time, and this might be the’ propi- tious occasion for it, especially if you’ feel you can lend your support bo the scheme, , The main snag for Lois might have been her lack of academic creden- tials, and without them it would be no easy matter to secure a visa for entry into the U.S. on a basis that would allow her to work so as to recapture her expenses, However, I think it might be just possible to obtain a visa, on my personal application, for her as a 'temporary worker’ with skills in short supply in the U.S. There is no doubt about the latter qualification, and my hope is that the special cir- cumstances of Gus! visit and the orgnaization of a new laboratory would make a convincing argu ment. Such visas are strictly limited to one year, and she would have to return to Australia to reapply for ad= mission again on the same or any other basis; otherwise, (unlike exchange visitors visas) she would not be prejudiced in any way by admission as a temporary worker. (This category ia, I am told, mainly used by tran~ sient farm laborers tn from Mexico and by prima donna opera singers fron Italy!) As to the financing of her trip, we will certainly furnish her with a salary on which she could live in decent confort. It would simplify matters greatly if she could get any sort of subsidy for her travel ex- pense in part since the cost ie rather a iot to absorb within a one year's salary, I find it hard to visualize where this could be expected to eae fron, but hoped you might know better, However, I think we could pay her enough that she could squeeze through even without any additional help but I fear it would be difficult especially as I don't think her transport costs Ss if paid out of income would be free of income tax. \v* Awaiting your reaction, I have not discussed this with Lois herself, a If you and she are favorable to the idea I would correspond directly MS with her to get the necessary details (date and place of birth; heme address; names of parents; education) for the visa application and to fix the other details, ad If this does work Sut I am prepared to apply to the Board of Trustees to xumm rename our department, for next year, Hall Institute- Eastern Division, I hope you will find the occasion to visit it. As ever, Josnus Tederhers