(Vy September 16, 1958 Or. F. M. Burnet Hall Institute of Medical Research Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville, N.2. Australia Dear Mac: We hope you had a pleasant trip from Stockholm all the way back home. That was a close call about those traveler’s checks and perhaps it's just as well you didn't have time to be worrled about them! I'm writing to send you the final version of a postscript to the Gatlinburg Conference dealing with the revision or elaboration of the clonal selection hy- pothesis for antibody formation. This has gone through a number of changes during the last couple of weeks and has kept me quite busy at it. | tried again and a- gain to generalize the ideas further but 1 would repeatedly come back to a very slight extension of your own ideas and have therefore cast the final version along these lines. I'm sure that you intended the main function of your publi- cation of your hypothesis to be to stir up exactly such discussion as this. | hope that none of the attributions or omissions thereof are out of line. There is a small chance that we may be able to set up a few experiments to test some of the predictions but | doubt that a serious program can be gotten under way until we reach Stanford. To that end ! am looking forward very much to the occasion of Gus's visit. | would be most interested to have his reactions as well as yours to the proposal in its present form, but I hope that your own principal reaction will be that of fond recognition. With ali best regards. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/jp