Tew. FJ 9177 THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF @ MEDICAL RESEARCH DIRECTOR C/o ROYAL MELBOURNE SiR MAGFARLANE BURNET. F.R.5. HOSPITAL POST OFFICE, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 25th February, 1958 Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6. Dear Josh, Thank you very much for your letter in regard to the possibilities of improving interchange of journals. It arrived just as I am in the last struggles to finish everything before leaving, so I] have not time to write a satisfactory answer. Iam, of course, in complete agreement with your point of view in principle, the only difficulty being to find the necessary funds. On the other side, getting Australian material available elsewhere in the world, I have been thinking hard over the possibility of persuading the C.S.I.R.O., which is the main publisher of scientific journals in this country, to provide a service of one page comprehensive abstracts of each paper by air mail to any library or individual requesting this service. In many ways this would provide what is needed to ensure that the general lines of work in Australia are known overseas with a minimum of delay. I hope very much there will be an opportunity to chew over some of these ideas with you when I am in America. Just when will presumably have to wait very largely on chance and circumstance. With good wishes from us all, Yours sincerely, Aor Arne F.M. Burnet