RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY June 12, 1957 CHARTER 7-1766 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: The enclosed announcement may be able to induce. some response when it gets published in "Science', Meantime, if you have any suggestions as to who might write an acceptable monograph for subsidized publication, please let me know. If you are not all "written out" at present, we would, of course, welcome anything you might care to do yourself. The advance stipend will be about $500, one-half on delivery of manuscript, one-half at once. Royalty terms are not yet worked out but will not be very enticing, since we hope to Veritype the material and publish at costs compatible with graduate student finances, Best regards, Sincerely yours, Vor asm Vernon Bryson VB:LC Associate Director Enclosure sfapfei i i. on serte The Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University is initiating the publication of a series of book-length mamweripts on subjects that relate to the science of microbiclogy. Primarily, the series has a two-fold aims 1. It is designed to offer an outlet for specialized ecntributions in the field of micrebl: logy that are of relatively limited interest to cormerctal publishers, ané to existing selentifis journals, 2, Present plans also consern the publishins of biorranhtcal and historical studies in microbiclory. This program is operating with the financial assistance of the Poundaticn for Micrebiclogy. Althcugh volumes for the series are being assembled by invitaticn, comments from any selentist are welocue with reference to desirable subjecta, or in regard to authors qualified te £111 existing needs, Prospective contributers are invitec to expresa their interests, Comments or suggestions may ve gent to any member of the Editorial Advlsory Committee, or to Vernon Bryson, Institute of Mieroblolecy, Rutgers, The State Univeralty, New Eruneawick, Now Jersey. Vernon Bryson, Institute of Mierobiclogy Rene J, Dubos, Rockefeller Institute fer Medical Research Harry Eagle, National Institute of Health Michael Heidelberger, Institute of Mieroblolegy A, Lwoff, Institute Pasteur, France K, F. Meyer, Wm, Hooper Foundation, University of California Francois Gordon, Naval Research Lab, J. Re. Porter, State University of Iowa Kenneth B. Raper, University of Wisconsin William J, Robbins, New York Botanical Garden Re XY. Stanier, University of California Edward L, Tatwn, Rockefeller Inatitute for Medical Research Selman A, Wakeuan, Institute of Mlercbloloegy Perry W. Wilson, University of Wiseonsin H. Boyd Weedruff, Merok & Co,