CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES February 12, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I was intrigued by your memorandum on cosmic microbiology and agree with you that we should take a long view of these problems before we do irreparable harm from the scientific point of view. I must say that I am somewhat mystified, however, as to just how one would go about sampling the moon without contaminating it in the process with terrestrial organisms. In any event, however, I believe that it would be a healthy thing if you would prepare another memorandum, perhaps somewhat more subdued in tone, secure the signatures of perhaps two or three other reputable micro- biologists and submit it for publication in both Science and Nature. Another possible location would be Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta which is published by the Pergamon Press in London. This would 1 believe have the effect of creating an awareness of the problem. I have not seen you in a long time but I keep hearing stories about your fine work. If you ever get out this way I do hope that you look me up. With warm wishes, Sincerely, Mrmr Harrison Brown HB:ds