RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Lhe State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY April 2h, 1957 CHARTER 7-1766 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Since too few of my friends are being elected to the National Academy of Sciences, I haven't the slightest idea whether it is customary to dispatch congratulatory messages on such an occasion. However, having had this morning's breakfast brightened by the New York Times! report on your election to the Academy I wanted to express my heartiest congratulations to you regardless of whether or not this is an accepted procedure. It seems to me that with this well-deserved honor you also assisted in placing the final stamp of respectability upon the entire field of microbial genetics (and at the same time you must have broken some kind of an age barrier). With very best regards to Esther and you, Cordially, LSe Werner Braun —_— WB: jse