UNIVERSITY * Minnesota MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY - MINNEAPOLIS 14 September 21, 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Professor and Head Department of Genetics - the Medical School Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Dr. A. Kleinschmidt from the University Frankfurt am Main visited our department recently and gave a seminar on electronmicroscopy of isolated DNA and DNA in situ (in lysed protoplasts), He would like to meet you and talk to your people. His photographs are rather good, his English is satisfactory and he is a jovial sort. He is (to use his words) eager to advertise his work, He will be in Berkley to see Robley Williams and has tentative plans to be in Palo Alto to see Arthur Kornberg. I find it difficult to conceive how his DNA model can replicate, but I have that trouble with any "chromosome'! I can contrive. Best wishes to you all, Sincerely, S. Gaylen Bradley, Ph. D. Associate Professor SGB:m P,S, He may be contacted until October 1 at Stoeckenius' Laboratory, Rockefeller, New York.