Snstiiut Pasteur 28. RUE DU DF ROUX-PARIS xv: TEL: SEGUR 01-10 PARIS, le 15 octobre 1952 Dr. A.D. HERSHEY Marine Station COLD SPRING HARBOR Long Island, N.Y. Dear Hershey, This is to tell you that the 28 papers presented in Royau- mont will appear in the first issue (January 19535) of the vo- lume 84 of the Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, You will receive galley proofs of your article in a near future together with a blanck form ordering reprints. Our phage group is working very actively on problemsof immunity, lysogenisation and recombination of prophage, so as of course of colicine. Unfortunately, nothing very new has been discovered since two months} Please give my best regards to Mrs Hershey. Very sincerely yours, Ausf A, LWOFF Mrmr ce cnet tet P.S.- Would you please give thésinformation concerning the colloquium to Visconti. tt ” Would it be possible for you to send us K12 het (haploid) wad K12"het"diploid or any other diploid ?