University oF MINNESOTA Tue Mepicat Scuoou Minweaporis 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY Mar ch 6 ’ 1 9 59 AND IMMUNOLOGY Doctor Joshua Lederberg, Head Department of Medical Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I gather from Dennis Watson that you survived subculture with a high efficiency-of-plating and that progress has begun without an appreciable lag phase. I woutd if the close proximity of biochemists will be mutagenic or selective. With the primary heterogenotes in California, and numerous exogenotes such as Zinder in New York, Morse in Colorado, and Wright in Australia, you should be subject easily to global transduction, As you know, I have recently received inquiries concerning positions at Cornell, Western Reserve and Duke. The latter I declined immediately on the basis of integration problems there. I am not willing to run the risk of cancelled public schools, etc. i have visited Cornell and Western Reserve. Both made financially attractive offers and had seperior laboratory facilitiesatd my present situation, Fora vayiety of reasons, I have decided not to accept either.offer. I have been attemptingjevaluatimesef my position here with respect to facilities, scientific opportunity and academic atmosphere. My views remain the same as expressed previously. I received your note and the NSF application today. I went over it and have sent off my appraisal. Our own work progresses well, rme-ver as rapid as I would hope. I was away on the trip-to Cornell and Western Reserve; I still haven't caught up. My problems in this respect must be small compared to yours, The reciprocal crosses, in our hands, yield identical results: A-Y® x B-Y® ----- > A+BtyY® A-Y "x B-Y 7----- > A+Bity™ 5 : where A+B+ are selected A-Y x B-Y®----- > A+BtY A-Y° x B-Y" ----- > A+Btry § A and Bare nutritional markers; Y represents phage or ste eptomycin susceptibility. Dr. Joshua Lederberg Page 2 March 6, 1959 If we select for presumably recessive markers, the results are more interesting: | ) A-Bt A-X8 y* + B-XT Y5 -_--—>hemt ee xt y ( A+B- ) A-B- ( A+Bt By this procedure, we are avoiding the "heterokaryon" amd getting directly to the "gene redombinant''". There still are some unusual aspects of nuclear behavior in this organism, I should write more, but I need to get to other things. Also, I realize that you have much to do. My very best wishes to you and Esther, Sincerely, SGB:ch s. Gaylen Bradley 4 itt ‘ _ A aan ~~? { nok Ac om non Ke oh Lhe fa ons hy LG lect Og Go ¢ lt Xx a