UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tue Mepicat Scuoont Mourweapous 14 DETARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY November 10, 1958 Doctor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Josh: As you may know, I recently received a letter from Professor R. F. Holland, Department of Dairy Indusirv, Vornell. Max Zelle is leaving Cornell to take a headship of the biology section of the AKC. Dr. Holland is therefore interested in obtaining a microbial geneticist to replace ‘lax. JI intend to indicate my willingness to consider the position at Cornell. I would like to submit pe" your name as a reference. y pr Sermonti is off on a tour of Galifornia. He will be back in about a weck. He will be in Madison on Nov. 21 to see Stauffer and Backus. He leaves for New Haven at the end of this month. I hope to see you in Madison before you depart for Stanford. I know that you will be extremely busy during the next few weeks. Ifyou could indicate some time that might be satisfactory with you, I will certainly try to meet your $f schedule. If you are so tied up that a visit seems unwise, dg not hesitate to say so. I will certain understanc. We will meet many times in the near future. My very best wishes to you and yours. ey tb % fast b Theo botox Ax. Bradley. ha wire. 10D Ct fwd Bars) Yi Mover Jy, “y hon De fg -