UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tse Mepicat Scuoou Morneaporss 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY - AND IMMUNOLOGY November 10 2 1958 Doctor Fsther Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Esther; I am quite pleased at the recognition bestowed upon microbial genetics by the recent Nobel Awards. The Committee which selected the outstanding members of microbials genetics could do no better that honor the men who created this niche in biological science. I have the highest regard and respect for Drs. Beadle, Tatum and Lederberg. I desire to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to you, on Josh's behalf and in your own rights. My associations with you have been intellectually stimulating; you have been an important factor in formukting my attitudes. I consider it a high privilecve and honor to call you FRIEND, Because I know the important role that you have played in Josh's personal and scientific life, I cannot consider this recognition of Josh as a sole triumph, but one of mutual effort and contribution. I therefore want to repeat my congratulations ad best wishes. I recognize Josh's orilliance and his dovotion to his chosen fields but I equally recognize your unouestioned talent. It is to the better good of science that you have found happiness and satisfaction in your mutual interests. I can only close with the rather trite expr. ssions, which mean so much to me: MY VERY BEST WISHES TO YOU AND YOURS. Singerely, S. Gaylen Bradley.