UnNIversiry or MINNESOTA Tue Mepicat Scuoou Minneapouis 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY September 22, 1958 Drs. Esther and J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh and Esther: Thank you for the greeting and letter, Esther. Dr. Sermonti would like to visit Madison once or twice during his stay in Minneapolis. I must confess that I would like to see you both again too. I prefer to leave here some Friday noon and make the return Saturday night or Sunday morning. The weekend is preferable because I would like to bring Lois and the children on at least one of these trips. Therefore, would you please choose the weekend most convenient for you. I might suggest September 27. Dr. Sermonti also wants to see Dr. Raper. That need not be on this trip, of course, since we contemplate another trip to Madison later. We have started on collaboration. We have not yet hit the critical part of the experiments which depend on the stability of the various ''auxotrophic recombinants". His two strains are compatible with at least 1 of mine. We are currently comparing his standard '"'cross'! to my ''standard cross"! and then a ''cross'' employing one of his strains and one of mine. The organisms are entirely similar I am convinced, therefore it is the interpretations which are at variance. I do not yet accept all of his experimental assumptions (and probably he questions some of mine) but everything is going well as of now. We do have the compatibility system worked out a little further with our own strains. Remember: A+B ---- + . B+C----+ A+ CG ---- - Mutants which are closely related (shortly removed from the common ancestor) go best - with one exception. The compatibility factor has not been found to be infective (in cursory experiments). Details can be supplied when we get together. Hope to hear from you soon. My very best wishes to you both. he, S. Gaylen Bradley