UNIVERSIITE UF 22218 NEI Tus Mupicat Scuoor Mrwweaveas 14 July 11, 1958 Doctor Waclaw Szynalski Institute of ticrobioiogy Rutgers University~Tne State University of New Jersey New Rrunswick, New Jersey. Dear Doctor “Srvybaiski; I will be most pleased to present a paper or heterokaryosis in streptomycetes at tne me-lay conference devoted to the "leretics of Streptomyces and Otuer Antibiot ic-Producing Microorganisms", The confererce, whicn is sporsore’, ty tre New York Academy of Seiences, ta to te nes? on January G, 1vh?. Pr. lederterg and 1 ave rot coalaborated on the peretics of strepto- mycetes for tne past ? years. J wial have to write to nim about his inclinations on jofnt presentation. I persvnalily believe that I'r. Lederberg wo Id bast serve as a correlator cr s.rmarizer (disc: issant )e I wouid be nappy to participate in a separate discussion on the genetica of Streptomyres coelicoicor, Dr. Sermonti, of course, is tne logical chotce to berin tRYs dYecussion. I nope tnat it can be arranged 50 that he wiil stisl he in the USA January 6. I will be mucn interested in nearing as plans for the conference develop. If I may be of assistance in facilitating organization and doveiopnent of the conference, piease do not hesitate to write, Wy very best wishes to you for your continued succesa,. Le aed ce ; . Sincerely, Aan 7 : . bt poe a pete Sept, ope vod fon lem . S. Gayk n Rradley.