RUTGBAS - THE STATE UNIVERSITY July &, 1958 NEW MLUNEWICK, NEW JERS2Y pape Ae ys. ee ot Dr. 8. G. Bradley Department of Bactericiogy University ef Minne seta Minmeapelis 14, Minne scta ‘Bear Dr. Bradley: _ The New York Acadamy of Sciasces will apomser a one-day Conference devoted to the "Genetics of Streptomyces and Other Antibiotic - Producing Mic roorgesiams," to be heid {xn New Yerk om January 6, 1959. I wander if yeu would bo xble to participate by presenting aguper on “"Heterekaryesis ir Streptomyces" (together with Dr. Ledeybarg). A separate discussias of the geratica cf S$. coelicolgr would also be appropriate. I would eppreciste learning your dec [sien | fegefier with avy comreents am the scope ef yeur contribution and suggestions about other speakers. With the best personal regards. Sincerely yours, Waclaw Ssybalski WE: AM P.8. lI ehall be away, in Eurepe, between July 10 and September 1, but mail will be ferwarded to me.