UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tue Mepicat Scnoo. MINNEAPOLIS 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY February 17 7 19 58 AND IMMUNOLOGY Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wise>znsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Josh: Thank you for the copies of your correspamdence with Sermonti. I have written to Sermonti along the lines we discussed on the phones i.e. $1000/3months. I have spoken to Dr. Syverton also. He Will help work out an arrangement for one year, with certain conditions. Most of these conditions involve committments from me which I am unwilling to make. I will greatly appreciate your suggestions as to best sources of income--i.e. to induce Sermonti to Stay for about a year and enable hin to bring his wife. I will await hearing from him (Sermonti) before I make any specific inquiries. If I may make a confidential request---I am not particularly satisfed at UM. I have learned a great deal-—ty laboratory space is adequate though not spacious—~ My colleagues are agreeable and fairly active---Watson and Lichstein have been particularly considerate---BUT Dr. Syverton is quite agessive and rarely does a favor without some ends in mind. The result is that I would favorably consider a move to a less medical department, in particular one which lacks an agressive head. Dr. syverton does not of course apply direct pressure but a constant low grade subtle hint. Buk &anr net oe Untreppieny. an Aw ae I do not see how I can come to the Medical Genetics Symposium. I would like very muca to do so but this means missing 2 days lecture and no one else can fill in for me. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I really am sorry. We will get down to Madison one of these days though. My very best wishes to you and Esther. Sincerely, S. GayIen Bradley.