UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tue Menicar Scnoou Movnearoiss 14 DEFARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Chairman Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Josh: I have not heard further from Sermonti yet. You probably already know that Maury is leaving Northwestern University and going to Brandeis. Also it seems that Alec Bernstein would like to obtain a position in this country. Will alba be with Luca on the fo:thcoming trip to the USA? I am pleased that you will consider coming to Minneapolis later this Spring. If you could suggest a tentative date or dates, even approximations, I will greatly appreciate it. It is between terms now. I teach this coming quarter so there is that preparation to be done in addition to research and the paper work which goes with research. The children had a glorious Xmas. We trust that Chanukah passed pleasantly at the Lederbergs. We have not heard anything about Seymour recently. Where is he? Still in Ca ifornia? ‘ Lois has been very busy with her usual activities. Four children are not the least or these adventures. They are maturing considerably though and, in some respects, require less time. They clean their own rooms, help clean house in general, Our very best wishes to you and Esther. Sincerely, J S. Gayle Bradley.