UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tue Mepicat Scuoo, Mriyweapois 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY January 2, 1958 AND IMMUNOLOGY Dear Josh: As you probably already know sledbernstein is interested in coming to the US:. I mentioned this to Dr. Syverton in that he has frequently expressed an interest having some one work on the "inmunogenetics" of cells in continuous culture. At Dr. Syverton's request I wrote to Alec inquiring if he might be interested in a position such as this. I gave a general indication of what I thought might be involved, pointing out that previous experience in cell culture is not necessary. Alec responded that he considers the prospect worthy of further investigation. He posed several questions which he Wished to receive replies to, before he formally wrote to Dr. Syverton. Dr. Syverton, on the other hand, desires more information about Alec than I have available. These questions are: precisely what degree does Alec have? When was it conferred? About how old is Alec? Professional promise. If you would be so kind, it would greatly facilitate things if you could informally comment on this. If you prefer you may write to Dr. Syverton directly. My only interest is to help Alec find a position suitable to his needs and talents. Whether or not what Dr. Syverton has to offer falls in this category is for Dr. Syverton and Alec to ultimately decide. The group here certainly could use a geneticist whose primary interests are with cells. I become rather disheartened with it all sometimes. But I have Streptomyces as a retreat. I will very much appreciate your comments. My very best wishes to you and Esther. Sincerely, 5. G n Bradley.