UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Tur MepicaLt ScHooL Morngzarous 14 OF BACTERIOLOGY or sins thengononnes December 10 3 1957 Dr. Jushua Lederberg, Chairman Departme nt of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Josh: On behalf of the Department of Bacteriology and Immunology (and myself) I would like to take this opportunity to extend to you an invitation to visit us in the near future. In addition to inspecting our facilities and renewing acguaintanceships, we would very much enjoy hearing about some of your recent activities. If the general theme is agreeable, I might suggest a Thursday and Friday during February. From my own point of view, Feb. 13-14 or 20-21 or 27-28 are particularly good. I propose two talks--a somewhat formal one, rather general and an informal group on a more specific topic. The honorarium inclusive of travel expenses for such a two day period is $100.c0. Dr. Syverton desires to introduce genetics into his research on cells. Certainly the time is overdue when fundamental principles of heredity are applied to cell and tissue culture. I must confess that my own suggestions and encouragement have to date resulted only in--Very interesting--ihy don't you do it--We're too busy--That will require a change in technique. The group here is somewhat awed and concerned about recent advances. Perhaps a visit by you with encouragement, suggestions, etc. will serve as the much needed catalyst. And besides all of that, Lois, the children and I would very much like to see you and Esther. We are eager to hear the latest from Australia and Macison. Fenner was here a few weeks ago. He had fascinating things to tell about his work and his travels. I am such taken by cells and mammalian viruses but cannot see working with them at Minnesota. I have learned a lot about cell mythology and technique. I am fairly happy here although I must confess to moments of disgust. I hope that you will be able to find the time to visit with us in February or some other time soon. I can bring pou up to date on my own struggles then. Qur very best wishes to you and Esther. S. G#ylen Bradley.