NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES—NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, N. W., WASHINGTON 25, D. C. FELLOWSHIP OFFICE August 16, 1955 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: The Lilly Research Laboratories Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Natural Sciences for 5S. Gaylen Bradley will terminate September 9, 1955 and we are writing to request a final report on the development and accomplishments of Dr. Bradley while working under your supervision. The enclosed form has been designed to give uniformity to the reports and to simplify preparation. If you feel that additional statements are needed to give a complete and proper picture of his fellowship tenure and achievements, please add them on an extra sheet of paper. These reports are needed to complete the fellowship records so that they will be available for future research on the selection and training of scientists. In addition, they are im- portant in assessing the value of the various fellowship programs which are administered by the National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council. Realizing that this request adds one more to your many responsibilities, we have constructed the enclosed report form with great care and believe it will not be difficult or time consuming to execute. Since no one else can give the type of information re- quested, we shall greatly appreciate your filling in and returning this report as soon as possible. Any suggestions on the form of the report will be welcomed. Yours very trul CJL:hb Enclosure: Scientific Adviser Questionnaire