4 Study of the Life Cycle of an Actinomycete Introduction The actinomycetes which represent a transition between the bacteria and the fungi, compose a large proportion of the soil flora, It was not until their capacity to synthesize antibiotic substances was recognized that this group of organisms attracted wide-spread attention, Eowever, primarily only those factors which influence antibiotic procuction have been investigated. Although sexual mechanisms have been conclusively demonstrated in several fungi and at least one bacterium, the actinomycetes have not been subjected to definitive tests. Background A generalized life cycle of the genus Streptomyces is as follows: uni- or multinucleate scores germinate by pro-~ duction of one to four hyphae. Growth continues until a mature unicellular mycelium is constituted. Aerial hyphae are then formed which differentiate into spores, beginning at the apical end and proceeding toward the base. Fragments of the vegetative myceliua is able to regenerate a mature eolony. Klieneberger-lobel (1947) reported that the aerial aynhae of Streptomyces result from the fusion of two separate hyphae, producing “zygotic spores", No recombination has, however, been demostrated. spores often germinate by formation of one to four vegative hyphae. This phenomena might conceivably be the product of a meiosis., Proposed Research Project I. aA stuay of the life cycle of an actinomycete bt. isolation of a member of the genus Streptomyces a@. one with an optinal temperature of 37°C would probably grow faster than one with an optimal taémperature of 28 2. Determination of the minimal nutritional requirements for completion of the life cycle 3. Production of nutritional and morphological :arked strains by ultra-violet and X-ray irradiation a. mechanism for screening biochemical mutants 1) use of antibiotics to kill prototrophs followed by addition of supplement 2) stamp technique of Lederberg 4. Recombination tests a. mix reciprocal biochemically marked stocks and plate onto minimal agar b. analysis of the prototronphs 1) heterokaryons yielding only parental types 2) recombinants a) genetic mechanisms b) transformations, test cell-free extracts end by the bundling board.