WORLD ACADEMY OF ART AND SCIENCE AN AGENCY FOR HUMAN WELFARE President: Lord J. Boyd Orr (Scotland) from the Hon. Secretary * Vice Presidents: Hermann Joooph Muller (U.S.A. ) 1 Ruppin Street, Hugo Osvald (Sweden) Rehovot, - larael P.O. B. 534 Hon. Secretary: Hugo Beyko (Israel) July 30, 1962 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California U. Ss. A. Dear Professor Lederberg: Many thanks for your letter of July 17th. I hope that you have had the opportunity to get in touch with Professor H. d. x= Muller who is very active in our Organization and has therefore ° much more inside knowledge than Professor Urey. The main aim of the World Academy is to create an objective, Cp truayyscientifically—minded forum for discussing the vital prob- = lems of mankind, and, at the same time, to ensure this forum —— against domination by political influence or the dictated opinions of group interests. = W.A.A.S. has the global development and the projected future of humanity in mind rather than the actual political fluctuations which are so decisive for the other Conferences mentioned by you. Incorporated in the W.A.A.S. program is the plan to take the first ractical steps in the establishment of a World University. (preparatory discussions are now being held with one of the great private Foundations) This alone distinguishes W.A.A.S. wrrady from other movements which are influenced by and deal mainly with the daily fluctuating political situations -- and are even supported by such transient forces. Over a period of several years, the Academy has been built up by regional Group Meetings and through active correspondence among the Charter Members. The last Group Meeting in the United States was held in Philadelphia under the chairmanship of Professor H. Jd. Muller. Professor Stuart Mudd of Philadelphia acted as Honarary Secretary. Until now voting has been carried out by correspondence. This year, however, we are convening the first Plenary Meeting in Brussels on the premises of the Royal Felmish Academy of Sciences, Palais des Academies (1 rue Ducale), from Thursday, August 30th to Sunday, Deptember 2nd. You are cordially invited to these meetings, if this short notice is not soo great an obstacle to your attendance. (continued) - Page 2 - Professor Joshua Lederberg July 30, 1962 Next year, we have planned the Plenary Meeting to be held in Philddelphia, and we have reason to hope that we shall have adequate financial support by that time. In order to remain completely free and independent, we have not accepted any financial help from possible partisan sources. All organizational costs have been covered by the personal gifts of a few Fellow Members, including the publication of Volume I ("Science and the Future of Mankind") and Volume IT ("Population Crisis and World Resources"), the latter now awaiting printing. For Volume II, a special Editorial Committee was elected and for the following Volumes a permanent Editorial Committee will be elected in Brussels, which will be responsible for the appoint- ment of a special Editorial Committee for each Volume. The general plan is for the Volumes to alternate: one year they will deal with a general theme (see Volume I), the next year with a specific vital problem (see Volume II). The priority of the themes has been discussed through correspondence (circular letters) and then gcided by voting. I hope that these lines and our first Volume will provide you with the necessary basis for your decisions. I shall be delighted to add your name to the list of Fellow Members, especially as I feel certain now that your membership would not be merely one more influential name on the list, but a sincere participation, as is also the case with your friend Dr. Muller and most of the other Members. 4 Very sincerely yours, cent ae te ene” Dr. Hugo Boyko, Honorary Secretary HB/nl