WORLD ACADEMY OF ART AND SCIENCE AN AGENCY FOR HUMAN WELFARE, President: Word J. Boyd Orr (Scotland) le? jhe: cH y re A aah ° > from the Hon. Secretary * Vice Presidents: Hermann Joseph Muller (U.S.A. ) 1 Ruppin Street, id di é ¥ t . Rehovot, Israel nee Orne Geel) jw? fs y P.O. B. 534 Hon. Secretary: Hugo Boyko (Ierael) zo July,1962 CIRCULAR LETTER C35/1962 Since the last Circular Letter, several important steps in the development of W.A.A.S. may be reported. I ask to be excused for the impersonal and "telegraphic" style of these lines, but only in this manner is it technically possible to cover the necessary material in the limited time at our disposal. 1. Attached is the Programme of our Plenary Meeting in Brussels which is to be convened from Thursday, August 3oth to Sunday, September end, on the premises of the Palais des Academies ( 1 rue Ducale ), which was very kindly put at our disposal by the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences. Ceo Further attached are the minutes of a Group Meeting held in Philadelphia on May 8, 1962, under the chairmanship of our Vice- Fresident, Prof. H.J. Muller. Prof. Stuart Mudd acted as Honorary CH oe Secretary. Oe The Meeting of Nobel Prize Laureates in New York (see 62/1962) had to be cancelled due to the untimely death of its Chairman a few = days before the date. Instead of distributing our material there, 3 we have approached a number of Nobel Prize Laureates directly during the last two weeks and the first answers are now coming ine From the replies of those who have already accepted our invitation and have joined us, it is clear that we have made a great stride forward ~ not only in the distinguished names added to our membership, but because of the active interest indicated by these letters. Details will be given at the Meeting in Brussels. Ae Attached is a list of distinguished names which have been proposed from various sources as new members. De Steps have been taken to achieve a cooperation in the efforts of several organizations which are, to a certain degree, working along lines similar to those of W.A.A.S., on an international scale and on a Scientific level. Among these organizations are the “Pugwash Conferences". At least three hembers of the Presidium (Lord Boyd Orr, H.J. Muller, and H. Boyko) and possibly also other Members have been invited to participate in the forthcoming Pugwash Conference, 3 - 7 September, 1962, at the Royal Society in London. There they will have the opportunity to present the point of view of W.A.A.5S. These presentations will have to be discused beforehand in Brussels. 6. Thanks to the efforts of Prof. Stuart Mudd, very promising negotiations have started with one of the big private Foundations, which has indicated a great interest in our plans. A meeting between a representative of this Foundation and our Presidium is being arranged to be held in Europe, where plans for our further develop- ment and for a World University will be discussed. (The latter plan was proposed mainly by Professor Thom. ). The financial basis of our organization in general and that of our next Plenary Meeting in the United States in 1963 will also be discussed. The 1963 meeting will be our first assembly of a festive character, as we hope many of our organizational and financial problems may be solved by then. Tes Preparation of Volume II (Population Crisis and World Resources ) is"an advanced stage. Most of the manuscripts are already in the hands of Professor Mudd as Chairman of the Special Editorial Committee or in my hands, and editing is in full swing. We hope that printing will start soon after our Plenary Meeting. 8. The plans for Volume III will be discussed in Brussels, where the permanent Editorial Committee will have its first session. 9. My itinerary is as follows: Leave Israel for Italy and Spain on - August 17 Arrive Brussels - August 24 Stay in Brussels from August 24 to September 2 at: Hotel Central, 3 Place de la Bourse Stay in London (Pugwash Conference at Royal Society) from September 3 to September 8. Then to Paris (UNESCO), Zurich, Geneva, Milan, Rome (FAO) Back in Israel about September 20. 10. Five Members from the U.S.A. have already informed me that they will be coming to Brussels. I hope that all European Members will be able to be present. In any case, this first Plenary Meeting will be a decisive step forward towards our goal. Very sincerely yours’s fd Liv LPO S we) fia “off SLA Of hoof ~ bbe tT _—pe. Hugo Boyko, Honorary Secretary HB/nl 2 Attached: List of Proposed Nerw-Fellow Members. WORLD ACADEMY OF ART AND SCIENCE AN AGENCY FOR HUMAN WELFARE President: Word J. Boyd Orr (Scotland) Vice Presidents: Ueriwann Joseph Muller (U.S.A. ) Hugo Osvald (Sweden) Hon. Secretary: Hugo Boyko (lerael) from the Hon. Secretary: 1 Ruppin Street, Rehovot, Israel P.O. B. 534 PROGRAM of the FIRST PLENARY MEETING Convened on the premises of the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences, from Thursday, August 30th to Saturday, September 2nd, 1962, at the: "Palais des Academies" rue Ducale 1, Brussels, Belgium. THURSDAY : 8.30 - 10.00 (August 30) 10.00 - 12.00 12.00 - 1,00 1.00 Lunch 4250 — 7.OO0p.M. FRIDAY: 9.30 - 1,00 (August 31) Lunch bed0 = TeOOpelMe Registration Opening . Presidental Address General Report by the Secretary General a Financial Report —~ Membership Report i Plans for a World University by — We. Taylor Thom. Announcements Council Meetings Committee Meetings Worki plan for the near future as basis for financial support ) Discussion on: a Publications Vol. I, II, III b) Symposium regarding: "A Bright Future for Mankind-<- Scientists' Vision and their Potential Contribution". ce) World University Organizational Matters: a) Statutes b) Incorporation ec) Regional Centres PROGRAM of the FIRST PLENARY MEETING OF W.eA.A.S. - Page & SATURDAY : 9,30 = 1,00 Cooperation with other Institutions (September 1) and Organizations Official Statements for the forthcoming Pugwash Conference Organization of next Plenary Mtg. Miscellaneous Lunch 3.30 - 7%,00p.m. Elections Resolutions Voting Interval Final Session: Summary and Outlook % * * * Remarks: i. Details about social events will be announced at registration or auring the meetings. Re | A small fund has been placed at our disposal to help towards the living expenses of our European Members! stay in Brussels during the Meeting. Oe It would be a great help for all arrangements if I could have a brief notification from each participant, addressed to Dr. Hugo Boyko, Hotel Central, 3 Place de 1a Bourse, Brussels, by the 24th of August when I arrive there, advising me regarding attendance. 4, Please show this Program at Registration. / A vA 7 / for . Dr. Hugo Boyko, Secretary General