December 16 1963 Dear Josh, Our daughter, Mary Imogen Bowers is applying for admission to Stanford as a Freshman in Sept. 1964 and I am writing to ask you to endorse her application. You must know that I believe that she is fully qualified for acceptance at Stanford and I recognize that the competition particularly for female students is keen. Mary's record in Madison and during almost 2 years at the Canadian Academy in Kobe is excellent. Her last report card was all "A" and she has maintained a comparable average throughout her educational programs. Her program this year includes Calculus, Far Eastern studies and Geopolitics and she has a rich knowledge of Far Eastern culture, especially Japan. Mary's extra-curricular activities have been diverse, and for me, most gratifying. She is the first girl to be elected President of the Student Council at Canadian Academy and was the U.S. Princess in the Kobe Port Festival. Her career aspirations is for Medicine or Psychology and the present indications are that she will enter Medicine. She can converse in Japanese and read the usual characters. I should be happy to see her attend Stanford and I know that she is eager to enroll at Palo Alto. Imogen and I would appreciate any help that you can give her. I am presently finishing a book on Medical education in Japan and my present studies are financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. As of February 1, I will [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] undertake a study of medical education and needs for medical manpower in developing countries with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the interest of [W.H.O.] and the State Department. My personal desire is to do a study of medical education across the world and the proposed study should afford such an opportunity. I am still a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University and we are living in Kobe just 40 miles away while the youngsters complete their schooling. We are very happy and I have no long range plans--just to enjoy my present studies Merry Christmas-- John