THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OFFICE OF THE DEAN 418 NORTH RANDALL September 55 1957 Professor Joshua Lederberg c/o Professor Sydney D. Rubbo Department of Bacteriology University of Melbourne Carlton N3, Victoria, Australia Dear Joshua: How nice to have your letters and to learn that you are enjoying the trip! I have always been keen to visit the medical training program in Suva and am glad that you had an opportunity to do so. I suspect that some of our Indian areas could profit from a similar program. Things are moving along nicely here. We have well over 200 people for the Conference on Latency in Virus Infections and the papers that I have heard have been stimulating and comprehensive, The flow of replies to our invitation tothe Symposium on Genetics continues to be active and we have had a number of notes commending the idea of conduct- ing such a Symposium, President Fred is currently considering the proposal on Atwood. He is reluctant to push ahead with the whole program until we can assure him that we will have money from our State budget to pick up Atwood's salary when the Rockefeller grant terminates, Unfortunately, I have not been able to find such money as yet but our Business Manager, Ralph Haw- ley, is trying to scrape together enough money from Trust Funds to cover the Program. Both President Fred and Vice President Baldwin have expressed their enthusiasm for Atwood, I have forwarded the material which you requested on the syllabus and other preliminary prospective material to Prof, Frank Fenner at Canberra, I picked up Ted Puck at the train just an hour ago, He was sorry that you were not here but sends his warmest greetings. Please give my regards to Esther and I hope that the work with Burnet continues to be so interesting. Yours sincerely, John 2, Bowers, M.D, Dean ~~ JZBica