25th August 1965 Dear Josh, I saw and interviewed Oiski in New York as planned. He is quite articulate and easy to communicate with. He is also fairly definite in his wish to continue along more or less the same lines he has been doing with Sueoka. He going to the Genetics Society meeting in Fort Collins, so I suggested he should come on to Stanford after the meetings, at least for a day or two. I will be back then (12-13th September) and, following our usual policy, I think it would help if at least you and [ . . . ] would also see him. I think the expense involved in paying his way from Colorado would not be wasted as I would consider it quite likely we would judge him good enough to take on. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I am now staying with Luca in Milan having had a very enjoyable weekend with the family at the seaside. We are in the middle of writing the paper for Belgrade, which may just get finished in time. Please give my love to Esther, Yours Walter