May 1, 1961 Dr. W.F. Bodmer Department of Genetics Cambridge, England Dear Dr. Bodmer: There !s Indeed a housing agency == Mrs. L. Rantz, housing office, Department of Infectious Diseases, 300 Pasteur Drive, Pale Alto, California. Write your requirements to her and she may supply you with suggestions. Something cheap, close to the Medical] School, furnished and allowing young children is In short supply. Something we know of In advance is the house the Nossals have had for about a year and a half. They will be returning to Australla via Europe beginning August 4. Due to the high costs cf something furnished they bought thefr own equipment and have managed to get a house and garden at a fantastically low rent within five minutes drive of the Medical Schocl. Let him know (at his home address) If you are at all Interested. It is truly a bargain. Good : Fuck. Stncerely, E.M. Lederberg