9/2/59 Dear Lederberg, Thank you for the change of address note. I hope you will enjoy your new home, and Mrs. L likewise. Thank you also for your reprint of Moondust. It comes at a most opportune moment, because, by an odd coincidence, I am in the middle of doing some popular science, on radio and T.V., to which this is highly pertinent. Naturally, I [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] am mostly interested in the possible colonization of extra-terrestrial bodies by bacteria, but it's well worth noting. Last but not least: heartiest congratulations on the Nobel Prize. It is about time a bit of that money went to a genuine biologist. What a coincidence that you should have to go back to Sweden so soon! Myself, I prefer Denmark: they are less intense and the booze is a whole lot easier to get. Best wishes to you both, Sincerely, K.A. Bisset P.S.--Will you seek out Prof. Clifton and give him my very best wishes also.